Sawdust Briquettes 10 KG

Sawdust Briquettes 10 KG
10 KG

Sawdust Briquettes are pressed using our briquetting machines. Without the addition of any additives, bonding agents and chemicals. By using hardwood sawdust, it can burn longer and hotter with high calorific value, sharing the same properties of Hardwood.

Product Features
  • 100% hardwood sawdust, no additives
  • There are no chemical additives
  • Burns cleanly and without any sparks
  • It has a burning time of up to 4 hours
  • Low ash content
  • High calorific value and density
  • Eco friendly, no smoke, no smell
  • Clean burning and long lasting
  • Long Burn

  • Extremely Hot

  • Low Ash

  • No Smoke

  • No Sparks